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Seabreeze 3200-0 Turbo-Aire is our proud and great product that was designed from our incredible design notion and such as with the clever production to make the outcome of it. We have concentrated in every step away of manufacturing approach; we believe that you simply will probably be fully satisfied by our new product.
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Click here for the Seabreeze 3200-0 Turbo-Aire full review & cheap prices
Turbo-Aire is the world's first aerodynamic household fan. It's patented jet inspired design produces a powerful, focused column of air which actually draws in surrounding air to increase its velcoity. Turbo-Aire delivers 100% more air than other conventionally designed fans with comparable motors, and is 200% to 300% more energy efficient. Remarkably, Turbo-Aire is whisper quiet on all three speeds, and consumes less energy than a 100-watt lightbulb, even when operating at full throttle. At 20 feet, Turbo-Aire delivers over 11,000 cubic feet of air per minute!
Click here to see the Seabreeze 3200-0 Turbo-Aire full review & cheap prices
- Jet engine-inspired fan for tabletop, floor, or wall use
- Delivers over 11,000 cubic feet of air per minute at 20 feet
- Suitable for cooling, distributing, or ventilating needs
- 3 speeds with quiet operation and 90-degree rotation
- Housing measures 15-1/2 inches in diameter
Seabreeze 3200-0 Turbo-Aire Specifications
Inspired by the design of jet engines, the Seabreeze Turbo-Aire helps cool rooms, improve ventilation, and send stale air packing. The very powerful unit features an aerodynamic design with a curved air inlet--this helps draw in the maximum amount of air with the least obstruction and noise. The fan has three speeds, of which the lowest two are quite quiet for their power. Anyone hot enough to need the third setting probably won’t mind its smooth but firmly audible whirring. Stably secured to a tubular steel base, the fan can be set on a tabletop, placed on the floor, or mounted to the wall (bracket sold separately). The head’s 90-degree rotation lets you direct the breeze where you want it, and a tightening dial secures the fan in its chosen position. Equipped with a built-in carrying handle, the fan’s durable plastic housing measures 15-1/2 inches in diameter; its projected column of air is 12 inches across. --Emily BedardClick here for more information about the Seabreeze 3200-0 Turbo-Aire full review & cheap prices
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