Finally Carry the Most current Frigidaire FRA054XT7 5,000 BTU Window-Mounted Mini Room Air Conditioner
In this era when there are plenty of of these types of Frigidaire FRA054XT7 5,000 BTU Window-Mounted Mini Room Air Conditioner accessible, there's nothing better than being able to buy an item that is manufactured by a manufacturer that you simply know and have confidence in. When you shop around you're likely to find many of these products that create claims which they just can't maintain. Although this is aggravating, it is nothing abnormal as imitation is always the most sincere form of flattery.
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Though Frigidaire might not be the first maker of the Frigidaire FRA054XT7 5,000 BTU Window-Mounted Mini Room Air Conditioner what we did is taken a good idea and made it into a great product which will give several years of fantastic services. Our first version enticed lots of customers as it was developed to the greatest standards of quality. We have carried on this tradition to bring you our very most current model of our tried and trusted product.
One thing we are certain of is that you will certainly find that at this price, you are not gonna discover a better Frigidaire FRA054XT7 5,000 BTU Window-Mounted Mini Room Air Conditioner anywhere. To make sure that that you are actually getting legitimate value for your money Frigidaire has included several really nice characteristics which are likely to help make this one of several merchandise you have had the opportunity to discover in several years. We're sure that you might feel as though you are getting true value for your money when you realize all the incorporated details We have included in our most modern model to make your life far better.
Frigidaire's FRA054XT7 5,000 BTU Window-Mounted Mini Room Air Conditioner is perfect for small size rooms up to 165 square feet. This unit features rotary controls and top full-width air discharge. The antimicrobial filter reduces bacteria, room odors, and other airborne particles for a comfortable environment. And the included pleated quick mount window mounting kit makes this air conditioner easy to install.
- Energy Star-rated 5,000-BTU window-mounted air conditioner for rooms up to 165 square feet
- 2-speed fan with 2-way direction control; full-width air discharge vents; anti-bacterial mesh filter with slide-out access
- Effortless Temperature Control; energy-save function; 24-hour timer
- Electronic controls and full-function remote control
- Measures 15.25-Inches L x 16-Inches W x 12-Inches H ; 1-year full and 5-year sealed system warranty
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